Apply For IBN’s Q3 2023 Scholarship

The Indie Business Network was founded 20 years ago based on the transformative power of entrepreneurship. We believe it is time to replace traditional notions of entrepreneurship with the increasingly obvious reality that entrepreneurship is for everyone, and can be defined in different ways by different people with uniquely different lifestyle goals. You do not…

Apply For IBN's Q2 2023 Scholarship

Apply For IBN’s Q2 2023 Scholarship

The Indie Business Network was founded 20 years ago based on the transformative power of entrepreneurship. We believe it is time to replace traditional notions of entrepreneurship with the increasingly obvious reality that entrepreneurship is for everyone, and can be defined in different ways by different people with uniquely different lifestyle goals. You do not…

Apply For IBN’s Q1 2023 Scholarship

The Indie Business Network was founded 20 years ago based on the transformative power of entrepreneurship. We believe it is time to replace traditional notions of entrepreneurship with the increasingly obvious reality that entrepreneurship is for everyone, and can be defined in different ways by different people with uniquely different lifestyle goals. You do not…

Apply For IBN’s Q4 2022 Scholarship

The Indie Business Network was founded 20 years ago based on the transformative power of entrepreneurship. We believe it is time to replace traditional notions of entrepreneurship with the increasingly obvious reality that entrepreneurship is for everyone, and can be defined in different ways by different people with uniquely different lifestyle goals. You do not…

Apply For IBN’s Q3 2022 Scholarship

The Indie Business Network was founded 20 years ago based on the transformative power of entrepreneurship. We believe it is time to replace traditional notions of entrepreneurship with the increasingly obvious reality that entrepreneurship is for everyone, and can be defined in different ways by different people with uniquely different lifestyle goals. You do not…

Apply For IBN’s Q2 2022 Scholarship

The Indie Business Network was founded 20 years ago based on the transformative power of entrepreneurship. We believe it is time to replace traditional notions of entrepreneurship with the increasingly obvious reality that entrepreneurship is for everyone, and can be defined in different ways by different people with uniquely different lifestyle goals. You do not…

Submit Your Recipe for IBN’s Essential Self-Care Book!

Recently, several news outlets including the Los Angeles Times reported that books focused on mental and emotional well-being are outselling books on previously popular topics like exercise and dieting. Since you — IBN members — are the experts at influencing people to embrace self-care, we are excited to present this opportunity for you, your brand,…

Members, Thank you for contacting IBN!

Thank you for completing our contact form! The information you have provided is very important to us, and we work hard to respond to you quickly. Based on your specific inquiry, either Donna Maria or one of her assistants will respond to your message as soon as possible with the information you need. Please note…